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Word: 's
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- idiom In the absence of a specified object, used to indicate ?the house/place/establishment of?.
- Possessive marker, indicating than an object belongs to the noun phrase bearing the marker.
Source: Wiktionary
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- nonstandard Contracted form of as in its nonstandard use as a relative pronoun.
- Contracted form of let?s used to form first-person plural imperatives. Let?s is now considered as a compound.
Source: Wiktionary
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- Indicates a purpose or a user.
- usage problem Used to form the plurals of numerals, letters, some abbreviations and some nouns, usually because the omission of an apostrophe would make the meaning unclear or ambiguous.
- obsolete Used to form plurals of foreign words, to clarify pronunciation, such as ?banana?s? or ?pasta?s?.
[Truss, Lynn. ''Eats, Shoots & Leaves''. pp. 63?65.] - proscribed Used to form the plural of nouns that correctly take just an "s" in the plural. See '''greengrocer?s apostrophe'''.
Source: Wiktionary
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- contracted form|has
- contracted form|is
- contracted form|does
- nonstandard are
Source: Wiktionary
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