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Word: commonwealth (lookup usage) (lookup stats)



  • A form of government, named for the concept that everything that is not owned by specific individuals or groups is owned collectively by everyone in the governmental unit, as opposed to a ''state'', where the state itself owns such things.
  • Approximately, a republic.

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Proper noun:

  • often referring to its federal government.
  • in|_|Kentucky Kentucky, the Commonwealth of Kentucky, often referring to its government.
  • in|_|Massachusetts Massachusetts, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, often referring to its government.
  • in|_|Pennsylvania Pennsylvania, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, often referring to its government.
  • in|_|Virginia Virginia, the Commonwealth of Virginia, often referring to its government.
  • The Commonwealth of Nations, a loose confederation of nations based around the former British Empire.

Source: Wiktionary | Src Info »