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Word: or
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- Operations research.
- Oregon, a state of the United States of America.
- Orissa, a state of India.
Source: Wiktionary
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- tincture Of gold or yellow tincture on a coat of arms.
Source: Wiktionary
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- obsolete Early (on).
- obsolete Earlier, previously.
Source: Wiktionary
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- computer science A lexical symbol to implement inclusive or in a computer language.
- Connects at least two words, phrases, clauses, etc. that each could make a sentence true. In English, this is the "inclusive or." The "exclusive or" is "either...or".
- electrical engineering A logical gate to implement inclusive or.
- Logical union of two sets of values. There are two forms, an exclusive or and an inclusive or.
- logic Inclusive or; either one proposition or the other is true or both.
Source: Wiktionary
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- operating room
- operations research
- sports Record
Source: Wiktionary
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- logic The binary operator ''inclusive or'', true if one at least one of two inputs is true. In infix notation, it has values
- tincture The gold or yellow tincture on a coat of arms.
Source: Wiktionary
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- now|_|archaic|_|or|_|dialect Before; ere.
Source: Wiktionary
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