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Word: baby (lookup usage) (lookup stats)



  • of vegetables, etc. Picked when small and immature (as in ''baby corn'', ''baby potatoes'').
  • Intended for babies.
  • Of a child: very young; of the age when he or she would be termed a baby or infant.
  • Of an animal: young.

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  • Any very young puppies for the babies of dogs, and chicks for the babies of birds. See :Category:Baby animals for more.
  • A person who is immature or infantile.
  • A pet project or responsibility.
  • A term of endearment for a girlfriend or boyfriend or spouse.
  • A very young human, from birth to a couple of years old.
  • informal A form of address to a man or a woman considered to be attractive.
  • The lastborn of a family; a benjamin.

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  • To coddle.

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