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Word: bum (lookup usage) (lookup stats)



  • Injured and without the possibility of full repair.
  • Of poor quality or highly undesirable.
  • Unfair
  • Unpleasant.

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  • colloquial A drinking spree.
  • Australia|colloquial A lazy, incompetent, or annoying person, usually a man.
  • Australia|colloquial|sports A player, usually a man, who often or usually plays poorly.
  • colloquial A hobo; a homeless person, usually a man.
  • The buttocks.
  • Irish|Aust|NZ|informal Canada|US The anus.

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  • colloquial To behave like a hobo or vagabond; to loiter.
  • To depress; to make unhappy.
  • colloquial To ask someone to give one (something) for free; to beg for something.
  • slang|British To wet the end of a marijuana cigarette (spliff).
  • transitive|colloquial To sodomize; to engage in anal sex.

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