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Word: four
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Cardinal number:
- cardinal The number after three and before five; 4; one plus three; two plus two; two times two. The typical number of fingers, other than the thumb, on one hand. This many: ????.
- This definition is confusing. Could an example sentence be provided? Describing a set or group with four components.
Source: Wiktionary
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- A person who is fours years old.
- rowing Quadruple sculls
- countable Anything measuring four units, as length.
- countable The digit or figure 4; an occurrence thereof.
- countable An event whereby a batsman hits a ball which bounces on the ground before passing over a boundary in the air, resulting in an award of 4 runs for the batting team. If the ball does not bounce before passing over the boundary, a six is awarded instead.
Source: Wiktionary
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