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Word: tool (lookup usage) (lookup stats)



  • A mechanical device intended to make a task easier.
  • A person or group which is used or controlled, usually unwittingly, by another person or group.
  • computing A piece of software used to develop software or hardware.
  • Equipment used in a profession, e.g., '''tools''' of the trade.
  • pejorative An obnoxious or uptight person.
  • slang Penis.
  • Something to perform an operation; an instrument; a means.

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  • slang To put someone else down (possibly in a subtle, hidden way), and in that way to use them to meet a goal.
  • transitive To equip with tools.
  • transitive To work on or shape with tools, e.g., ''hand-tooled leather''.
  • transitive To work very hard.
  • volleyball To intentionally attack the ball so that it deflects off a blocker out of bounds.

Source: Wiktionary | Src Info »