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Word: train (lookup usage) (lookup stats)



  • A group of animals, vehicles, or people that follow one another in a line, such as a wagon train; a caravan or procession.
  • A line of connected cars or carriages pushed or pulled by one or more locomotives, especially a railroad train which travels on a set of tracks.
  • A sequence of events or ideas which are interconnected; a train of events or a train of thought.
  • A series of electrical pulses.
  • A set of interconnected mechanical parts like the drive train of a car.
  • military The men and vehicles following an army, which carry artillery and other equipment for battle or siege.
  • That which is drawn along, like the part of a gown which trails behind the wearer.

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  • intransitive To improve one's fitness.
  • intransitive To practice an ability.
  • To proceed in sequence.
  • transitive (Horticulture) To encourage (a plant or branch) to grow in a particular direction or shape, usually by pruning and bending.
  • transitive To move (a gun) laterally so that it points in a different direction.
  • transitive To teach a task.

Source: Wiktionary | Src Info »