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Word: twist (lookup usage) (lookup stats)



  • A distortion to the meaning of a word or passage.
  • An unexpected turn in a story, tale, etc.
  • Anything twisted, or the act of twisting; the degree of stress or strain when twisted.
  • A rotation of the body when diving.
  • A sliver of lemon peel added to a cocktail, etc.
  • A sprain, especially to the ankle.
  • A sudden bend (or short series of bends) in a road, path, etc.
  • A twisting force
  • A type of dance characterised by rotating one?s hips.
  • A type of thread made from two filaments twisted together.

Source: Wiktionary | Src Info »


  • To distort or change the truth or meaning of words when repeating.
  • To form a '''twist''' (in any of the above noun meanings).
  • To join together by twining one part around another.
  • To turn a knob etc.
  • To turn the ends of something, usually thread, rope etc., in opposite directions, often using force.

Source: Wiktionary | Src Info »